The Decline of Play | Peter Gray
Gotta love Peter Gray. Posting this video here as a reference and reminder for all about the importance of play.
Educating for burnout
Burnout, imho, is serious, misunderstood and often dismissed. Having experienced it myself, I’m very conscious of it and how it can be so easy to fall into traps.
Alter Egos For Learning
I learn so much about living and learning from ‘non traditional educational’ podcasts. The Good Life Project podcast is one that I dip into a lot.
Home Education Policies in Europe
I count myself and our family lucky as people who live in the UK and ‘home educate’ we have so much freedom and little regulation in how we do our learning. The freedom is amazing and I’m thankful we are not burdened with stressful regulations. It allows us to be us and to focus, change and adapt as we see fit.
Civics education, and lawsuits
An interesting article on civics education, or lack of it, from Alfie Kohen.