This is a fabulous read. 

It is one that makes me think, re-read and think about again.  The ideas within it are condensed and part of an overall free book  33 Myths of the System.

Coincidentally, it opens with a quote from David F Lancy.  I just happen to be reading his ‘Raising Children’ book at the moment.  I’ve read most of if and have really enjoyed it, I’d highly recommend!

Education means compulsory schooling in a world of artificial scarcity · · · Schooled activity stunts maturity, punishes experience, corrupts initiative and cuts the individual off from the world, making self-sufficiency and self-confidence all but impossible · · · The most schooled people on earth are generally the most stupid; the most heavily indoctrinated, the most insensitive, the most conceited and the most helpless.
